Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]

Championing Survivorship: Nurse Practitioner Sanna Ali’s Dedication to a Career in Cancer Survivorship
Sanna Ali is a dedicated Nurse Practitioner currently pursuing her PhD in Nursing at The George Washington University. Sanna started…

Arsenic and Advocacy: Sarah Cohn’s Experience with Rare Leukemia Spurs Action
Diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia called acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), Sarah Cohn's cancer diagnosis at the age of 30 took…

Sandra Finestone, PsyD: Be Bold and Don’t Hesitate – A 30-year Survivor’s Advice on Advocacy
Advocate Spotlight: Sandra Finestone, PsyD
A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and life-changing, but for Sandra Finestone, it…

Lisa Rice – My Breast Cancer Journey: Many Lessons Learned and More in Store
During my final semester of college, a life-changing call came. My mother was in the hospital, waiting for results of a biopsy of a tumor she’d found in her breast. My father told me that she’d already decided, if the tumor was malignant, she would proceed with a radical mastectomy [...]

Ruth Travis: Cancer Is Not a Death Sentence. It’s a License to Live.
Ruth Travis knows the power of early detection. She started getting regular mammograms when she was 40 years old. After 22 years, the annual process was nothing new. In 2007, Ruth arrived for her annual screening mammogram [...]

Betsy Glosik: A Cancer Survivor’s Journey Towards Integrative Healing and Advocacy
For Betsy Glosik, the early 2000s brought one trauma after another. She lost her aunt to melanoma. Then, tragically she lost her 20-yr old daughter to a car accident. In 2003, after years of mentioning her concerns about a mole on her foot to her dermatologist, and repeatedly having her concerns dismissed, Betsy was diagnosed with melanoma...

Erin Cummings’s Journey as a Long-Term Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Survivor
Diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma during her freshman year of high school at the age of 15, Erin Cummings recalls finding two lumps and not thinking much of them. “Cancer was the farthest thing from my mind,” she said. When her sister later noticed the lumps, Erin finally told her mom and found herself in the hospital [...]

Sharon Rivera-Sanchez: Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor Finds Passion in Fitness and Advocacy
As a Triple Negative Breast Cancer survivor, Sharon turned her personal experience into a passion for advocacy and giving back to the community. When she received her diagnosis in May 2015, she remembers being in a state of shock and grief. She said, “You have to allow yourself time to breathe and grieve.”

Alique Topalian: Childhood Cancer and the Frightening Realities of the Survivorship Journey
Alique was first diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) at the age of four. Her mother, Michele, knew something was wrong because “the light in her eyes was gone”. After being told by doctors that there was nothing wrong, her family was relentless until new blood work uncovered blast cells.

Amanda Helms: Care Planning, Mental Health, and Palliative Care are Essential to Quality Cancer Care
Amanda Helms was enjoying a bubble bath while reading a book when she looked down and noticed a lump on the side of her breast in January…