Tag Archive for: NCI
Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]
NCCS, Cancer Leadership Council Express Strong Support for NIH Director Nominee Monica Bertagnolli
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) strongly supports the nomination of Dr. Monica Bertagnolli to be the Director…
Webinar: Survivorship Needs for People Living with Advanced and Metastatic Cancers
Dr. Michelle Mollica, Senior Advisor at the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Office of Cancer Survivorship, joined NCCS to discuss…
Health Care Roundup: White House Proposes Health Care Cuts; NCI’s Sharpless to Head FDA; Care Planning; Patient Safety; More
White House Releases FY 2020 Budget – Earlier this week, the White House released the President’s Budget. This year's budget proposes to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and cap Medicaid, and cuts federal health spending by $659 billion over 10 years. The budget also proposes shaving $818 billion from projected spending on Medicare over 10 years and cutting nearly $1.5 trillion from projected spending on Medicaid. [...]
What Caught Our Eye: NCI Chief Sharpless Interviewed; Expert Patients; “Why We Didn’t Seek Right to Try”; Progress in Survivorship Care; and More
What Caught Our Eye is our week-in-review blog series, where we recap the cancer policy articles, studies, and stories that caught our attention. – Health Insurance – “Bait And Switch: The Sneaky Way Your Employer Just Passed Healthcare Costs Onto You” By Peter Ubel, Forbes.com — With increasing frequency, employers are directing their workers to the kind of high deductible, high out-of-pocket insurance plans that leave workers financially responsible [...]
NCCS Announces Dr. Julia Rowland, Former Director of Office of Cancer Survivorship at NCI, as Newest Board Member
NCCS announced that Julia Rowland, PhD, former Director of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Office of Cancer Survivorship (OCS), has joined the Board of Directors. Dr. Rowland retired from the NCI in September after 18 years. Former NCCS CEO Ellen Stovall was integral to the creation of the Office of Cancer Survivorship and helped recruit Dr. Rowland as its leader. Dr. Rowland has a long history of collaboration with NCCS, including [...]
What Caught Our Eye: A Cancer Survivor’s Comic, ACA Repeal Back on GOP Agenda, New Susan Gubar Piece, Past NCI Chief on Trump’s NIH Cuts
Andy Slavitt, former acting director of CMS, argues that the failure of Trumpcare last week presents the opportunity to end the divisiveness that hampered the Obamacare era and move forward in a bipartisan direction that focuses not on destructive rhetoric, but squarely on reducing premiums and expanding access for all Americans. [...]
Ask Your Oncologist About Clinical Drug Trials
If you had asked me in December 2012 if I would ever participate in a clinical drug trial, my answer would have been a resounding, “No.” The very word “trial” scared me off; I didn’t want to be a guinea pig, a test subject. I wanted proven medicine.
Webinar Video: “Cancer Moonshot – Symptom Management and Funding”
This week, NCCS hosted the latest CPAT webinar, Cancer Moonshot: Symptom Management and Funding. The featured presenters were…
Cancer Moonshot Blue Ribbon Panel Recommends Research to Minimize Debilitating Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
Today, the Cancer Moonshot Blue Ribbon Panel released ten recommendations to accelerate progress in cancer research. One recommendation…