NCCS, Cancer Leadership Council Express Strong Support for NIH Director Nominee Monica Bertagnolli

Monica Bertagnolli, MD
A surgical oncologist, researcher, and cancer survivor, Dr. Bertagnolli has served as Director of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) since 2022.
NCCS joined other member organizations of the Cancer Leadership Council in the following statement:
The undersigned cancer patient, medical professional, research, and caregiver organizations write to express our enthusiastic support for Dr. Monica Bertagnolli for the position of Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). We know Dr. Bertagnolli as a talented physician researcher, cancer center leader, professional peer and leader, and cancer survivor. We believe she has the expertise, experience, and temperament to be a stellar NIH leader.
Many of us have known Dr. Bertagnolli for many years, working with her to advance cancer research and care and improve the quality of care and life for cancer survivors. Others have become acquainted with Dr. Bertagnolli during her tenure as National Cancer Institute (NCI) Director. In her time at NCI, she has sought out every group of cancer stakeholders but has been especially mindful of seeking the input of and becoming acquainted with cancer patients and patient advocates she did not already know. Her own diagnosis with cancer has made an already empathetic and sensitive physician researcher even more attuned to the life-changing challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis. We wish she had never heard the words, “you have cancer,” but we are gratified that she remains in the fight to ensure that fewer Americans hear those words and that a cancer diagnosis is steadily less frightening because of treatment advances.
We are all fortunate that Dr. Bertagnolli will bring to NIH the qualities that have made her an outstanding NCI Director.
We look forward to Dr. Bertagnolli’s confirmation hearing, followed by speedy Senate action to confirm her and provide NIH the strong leader we all deserve.
Cancer Leadership Council
Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
American Society for Radiation Oncology
Association for Clinical Oncology
Association of Oncology Social Work
Cancer Support Community
Children’s Cancer Cause
Fight Colorectal Cancer
Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association
International Myeloma Foundation
LUNGevity Foundation
Lymphoma Research Foundation
National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance
Prevent Cancer Foundation
Susan G. Komen