Tag Archive for: cancer care
Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]
NCCS Joins Letter Highlighting Impact of Gov’t Shutdown on FDA’s Work on Behalf of Patients
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) joined with 46 other patient and provider organizations to call attention to the impact the government shutdown is having on the work of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). “On behalf of patients across this country, we are greatly concerned that the agency is currently not fully funded, and thousands of vital FDA employees are not working or able to operate at full capacity. [...]
NCCS Health Care Roundup: Opposing Medicare Part D Changes; Medicare-for-All Comparisons; Cancer Patients Suicide Risk Study; More
Protecting Medicare Part D's Protected Classes and Congressional Updates — This week, NCCS joined the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network in a campaign against proposed Medicare Part D changes. More than 50 groups joined the campaign in opposition to the administration’s proposal to change Medicare Part D's protected classes drug coverage, which would give Medicare plans the option to limit coverage of drugs in six categories, [...]
NCCS Webinar Video: “The Outlook for Health Care in the New Congress”
Health care was the number one issue for a majority of voters in the 2018 midterm elections. With the House majority changing hands and a split Congress, in this webinar we discuss election implications on health care and what to expect in the new Congress. We also provide an overview of how you can connect with new and returning Members of Congress to help them better [...]
House Votes to Intervene in ACA Lawsuit; Drug Pricing News; Colon Cancer Rates Rising in Young Adults; More
This week, the House of Representatives voted to formally intervene in Texas v. United States, the lawsuit seeking to invalidate the Affordable Care Act (ACA). With support from three Republican members, it passed by a vote of 235-192. The resolution now heads to the Senate where Republican leaders will likely not bring it up for a vote. This vote follows passage of last week’s provision authorizing the House legal counsel to defend the law. [...]
Remembering Jennifer Friar Groves
By CEO Shelley Fuld Nasso — I’d like to share the story of my dear friend, Jennifer Friar Groves, who died earlier this month at the age of 32 from metastatic breast cancer. She gave me her permission to share her story, and in fact, she desperately wanted her story to be shared. Jennifer was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2016 at the age of 29. She lived in Booneville, Mississippi, in northern Mississippi near Tupelo. She was too young for regular [...]
Health Care Roundup: CMS Issues New Waiver Options to States to Undermine ACA; Open Enrollment Numbers Still Lag; Role of AI in Health Care; More
CMS Issues New Waiver Options to Undermine the Affordable Care Act — This week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released four new waiver concepts that would allow states to pursue alternatives to the ACA. This announcement follows recent CMS guidance that outlined broad authority to the states to design their health care systems through a waiver of key ACA requirements and provides states with more specific [...]
NCCS Strongly Objects to New CMS Waiver Options That Seek to Further Undermine the ACA
NCCS issued the following statement regarding today’s announcement by the Trump administration outlining options states can pursue to circumvent the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Today’s announcement of these policy options follows previous Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidance that outlined broad authority to the states to design their health care systems through a “waiver” of key ACA requirements and provides states [...]
NCCS Presents 3rd Annual Ellen L. Stovall Award to Gay Crawford and Dr. Norman Coleman, Their 40+ Year Careers Focused on Improving Patient-Centered Cancer Care
NCCS hosted the 3rd annual Ellen L. Stovall Award for Innovation in Patient-Centered Cancer Care reception. Named for former NCCS CEO, Ellen Stovall, who died in 2016 due to complications from three cancer treatments, the award seeks to highlight those who continue Ellen’s work of transforming cancer care to further incorporate patients’ goals, needs, and values. This year’s honorees are Gay Crawford, founding director of Cancer CAREpoint, and Dr. Norman Coleman, senior investigator at the National Cancer Institute. [...]
Health Care Roundup: ACA Open Enrollment News; Head and Neck Survivor Mental Health Study; Fear of Recurrence Webinar; More
Open Enrollment for ACA Now Underway — Open enrollment for 2019 ACA plans began yesterday and will run through December 15, 2018. Despite numerous attempts to repeal the ACA in 2017 and an ongoing court case in Texas, the ACA continues ahead, business as usual, for the most part. Many Americans will qualify for financial help that lowers their monthly premiums to between $50 and $100. Tara Siegel Bernard reports in the New York Times [...]
NCCS Webinar Video: “Understanding Fear of Cancer Recurrence”
Those with a cancer experience are all too familiar with the anxiety that many experience wondering and waiting if and how cancer…