Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]

Accessing COVID-19 Resources After the Public Health Emergency Ends
The COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), which has been in effect since early 2020, will end on May 11, 2023. The federal government…

NCCS Urges Insurance Companies to Preserve Access to DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction
This week, NCCS joined other patient advocacy organizations and medical professional societies in submitting a letter to the CEOs of…

Webinar – Amplifying Your Message: Advocating Through Traditional Media Channels
NCCS hosted a CPAT webinar on leveraging traditional media for cancer advocacy with public relations and marketing expert Michael Holtz.…

NCCS and Cancer Leadership Council Issue Comments on Implementation of Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program
NCCS joined with other member organizations of the Cancer Leadership Council (CLC) in a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid…

Lisa Rice – My Breast Cancer Journey: Many Lessons Learned and More in Store
During my final semester of college, a life-changing call came. My mother was in the hospital, waiting for results of a biopsy of a tumor she’d found in her breast. My father told me that she’d already decided, if the tumor was malignant, she would proceed with a radical mastectomy [...]

Ruth Travis: Cancer Is Not a Death Sentence. It’s a License to Live.
Ruth Travis knows the power of early detection. She started getting regular mammograms when she was 40 years old. After 22 years, the annual process was nothing new. In 2007, Ruth arrived for her annual screening mammogram [...]

NCCS Urges President Biden and Congress to Support and Protect Medicaid
This week, NCCS joined with more than 30 patient advocacy organizations as part of the Partnership to Protect Coverage to urge President…

NCCS Advocates for Access to DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Surgery
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship recently joined the Community Breast Reconstruction Alliance (CBRA), a group of patient…

Betsy Glosik: A Cancer Survivor’s Journey Towards Integrative Healing and Advocacy
For Betsy Glosik, the early 2000s brought one trauma after another. She lost her aunt to melanoma. Then, tragically she lost her 20-yr old daughter to a car accident. In 2003, after years of mentioning her concerns about a mole on her foot to her dermatologist, and repeatedly having her concerns dismissed, Betsy was diagnosed with melanoma...

Webinar – Implementing the ASCO Guidelines for Exercise, Nutrition, and Weight Management with Your Patients and Practice
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) hosted a Survivorship Champions webinar discussing the American Society for Clinical…