Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]

How the Patient Perspective Improved My Cancer Research and Changed My Career Path
The first time I heard the words “you have cancer,” I was sitting in the doctor’s office with my best friend Katie. We were both 28 years old. Katie had a lump removed from her breast the Monday before Thanksgiving and I was home in New Jersey a few days before the holiday to hang out with her post surgery. We were supposed to go to DSW that Wednesday morning when she got a call that her doctor wanted to see her that day. I collapsed on the floor [...]

NCCS Announces 2019 Stovall Award Honorees, Dr. Harmar Brereton and Dana Dornsife
(NCCS) is pleased to announce that the 2019 winners of the Ellen L. Stovall Award for Innovation in Patient-Centered Cancer Care are Harmar Brereton, MD, founder of the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, and Dana Dornsife, founder and board chair of the Lazarex Cancer Foundation. Now in its fourth year, the cancer community’s embrace of the award named after longtime NCCS CEO Ellen Stovall continues to be a testament to her lasting [...]

NCCS Applauds Introduction by Reps. DeSaulnier and Carter of Bipartisan “Cancer Care Planning and Communications Act”
Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA) and Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA), co-chairs of the Congressional Cancer Survivors Caucus, introduced H.R. 3835, the Cancer Care Planning and Communications Act (CCPCA). A legislative priority of the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS), the bill would create a Medicare service to reimburse providers for time and resources used to create cancer care plans for Medicare beneficiaries. [...]

Patient Groups Urge Court to Prioritize Patients and Uphold Health Care Law
Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions and Coverage Standards at Risk — Patient groups are urging the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to prioritize patient protections, including those for people with pre-existing conditions, when it hears oral arguments today in the case Texas v. United States. The case is being appealed after a lower court ruling that the entire health care law should be struck down because Congress repealed the individual [...]

17 Patient Groups Urge Appeals Court to Uphold Health Care Law
Loss of Patient Protections Would Raise Barriers to Health Insurance — Seventeen patient groups representing millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions filed an amicus curiae (“friend-of-the-court”) brief today in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in the case Texas v. United States, citing the devastating impact patients would face should the court uphold the District Court ruling to invalidate the Affordable Care Act (ACA). [...]

NCCS Concerned That Proposed ACA Rule Changes Could Raise Costs for Patients and Disrupt Treatment
NCCS and member organizations of the Cancer Leadership Council (CLC) submitted comments to the HHS in response to the agency’s Notice of Benefits and Payment Parameters for 2020. The Notice contains rules and provisions that will apply to the individual market (the Affordable Care Act marketplace), and small group health insurance markets. The letter states NCCS’ concerns about specific provisions that may threaten cancer patients’ access [...]

NCCS and Cancer Leadership Council Highlight Potential Harm to Patients of Proposed Medicare Part D Changes
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released recently a proposed rule to change Medicare Part D’s protected classes drug coverage. In response, NCCS joined with other patient and provider groups of the Cancer Leadership Council (CLC) to comment on how these proposed changes could impact patients. The proposed rule would give Medicare plans the option to limit coverage of drugs in six categories, including cancer drugs. [...]

NCCS Joins Letter Highlighting Impact of Gov’t Shutdown on FDA’s Work on Behalf of Patients
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) joined with 46 other patient and provider organizations to call attention to the impact the government shutdown is having on the work of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). “On behalf of patients across this country, we are greatly concerned that the agency is currently not fully funded, and thousands of vital FDA employees are not working or able to operate at full capacity. [...]

NCCS Webinar Video: “The Outlook for Health Care in the New Congress”
Health care was the number one issue for a majority of voters in the 2018 midterm elections. With the House majority changing hands and a split Congress, in this webinar we discuss election implications on health care and what to expect in the new Congress. We also provide an overview of how you can connect with new and returning Members of Congress to help them better [...]

Remembering Richard Payne, MD
With great sadness, we mourn the passing of former NCCS Board Chair Richard Payne, MD, on January 4. Dr. Payne was a member of the NCCS Board of Directors from 2005 to 2012; he served as Board Chair from 2010 to 2011. Thoughtful, deliberative, and soft spoken, Dr. Payne was a valued and collaborative leader of NCCS. A lover of books and golf, he was always attentive and generous to his extended family, both personal and professional. [...]