Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]

Health Care Roundup: NCCS on Proposed OPPS Changes; Bipartisan Proposal to End ‘Surprise Billing’; Medicaid Work Req’s; Financial Toxicity Survey; More
HEALTH CARE HIGHLIGHTS—NCCS submitted a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the proposed update to the hospital outpatient prospective payment system, known as OPPS, for calendar year 2019. In the letter, NCCS addressed the proposed “site neutral” payments, which would reduce patient cost-sharing but could have other unintended consequences for patient access. NCCS also commented on [...]

NCCS Submits Recommendations to CMS Regarding Proposed Changes to Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS)
NCCS submitted a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the proposed update to the hospital outpatient prospective payment system, known as OPPS, for calendar year 2019. In the letter, NCCS outlines support for a change in payment for clinical services that are provided at off-campus provider-based departments that will reduce cost-sharing for patients for clinic visits. Additionally, CMS included a “request for information” [...]

NCCS Joins Cancer Leadership Council Recommendations to FDA Regarding the Biosimilar Action Plan
NCCS joined with other organizations of the Cancer Leadership Council (CLC) in commenting on the FDA Biosimilar Action Plan (BAP). The comment letter commended the FDA for the development of a plan that balances both innovation and competition. The letter stated that these products provide significant benefits to cancer patients, but that they also come at a significant expense to patients and the health care system. [...]

Health Care Roundup: ‘Misleading’ Pre-Existing Conditions Bill; Clinical Trials Lack Black Patients; ‘Cancer Coaching’ Ethics; Young Adult Cancer Advocates
NCCS and 30+ Patient Orgs Raise Concerns Over Senate Pre-Ex Bill — This week, NCCS and more than 30 other patient advocacy organizations submitted a letter to Senator Tillis (R-NC) detailing why his bill does not go far enough in protecting pre-existing conditions despite his intentions. The bill title, “Ensuring Coverage for Patients with Pre-Existing Conditions Act” (S.3388), is misleading and, if passed, would not provide adequate coverage [...]

NCCS Raises Concerns Over Impact on Patients of Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Revisions
NCCS submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the Medicare physician fee schedule revisions proposed for calendar year 2019 and proposed revisions in the Quality Payment Program. In our comments, NCCS addressed proposed changes to evaluation and management services, which are provided in the office or outpatient setting and are a critical element of cancer care. CMS proposed creating a [...]

Health Care Roundup: Maryland, Advocacy Groups File Suits to Protect ACA; Emergency Resources for Survivors; False Hope in Precision Medicine; More
This week, the US Census Bureau released health insurance coverage estimates for 2017. Between 2016 and 2017, the overall uninsured rate did not change significantly, but 14 states experienced an increase in the number of uninsured individuals, due to poverty status or whether the state expanded Medicaid. While coverage numbers dropped in many states, the Trump Administration continues to cut ACA navigator funding, which [...]

Health Care Roundup: Texas Court Hears ACA Lawsuit; House, Senate Advance Pharmacy “Gag Clause” Bans; Long-Distance Caregiving; and More
In order to bring you the latest cancer-related health care policy and news, we at NCCS combined our ACA Updates and What Caught…

NCCS Applauds Resolution to Block Short-Term Insurance Plans, Protect Those with Pre-Existing Conditions
Washington, DC – NCCS applauds the efforts of Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and 30 of her colleagues to advance a resolution blocking the final rule permitting expansion of short-term plans. The final rule extending the availability of short-term plans will put more Americans at risk of purchasing junk insurance plans and will also undermine the individual insurance markets on which many people with cancer rely. “NCCS considers these new short-term plans a serious threat,” [...]