Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]

NCCS Statement on the Passage of the STAR Childhood Cancer Act and the Right to Try Act
Silver Spring, MD – The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship issued the following statement regarding passage of both the…

Health Care Roundup: 2018 Cancer Status Report; Childhood Cancer STAR Act Passes; “When a Rural Hospital Shuts Down;” and More
HEALTH CARE HIGHLIGHTS – Annual Cancer Status Report Released – On Tuesday, the Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer was released. This report is a collaborative effort of NCI, CDC, ACS, and NAACCR. The report includes mortality data through 2015. It shows that, from 1999 to 2015, overall cancer death rates decreased by 1.8 percent per year among men and by 1.4 percent per year among women. [...]

NCCS Joins Cancer Leadership Council to Oppose Right to Try Legislation in the House
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship joined with other organizations of the Cancer Leadership Council (CLC) in a letter to…

Health Care Roundup: Drug Pricing Plan, 2019 Premium Increases, Short-Term Plans, Medicare Mulls Covering Gene Therapies, and More
Trump Administration Promotes a Drug Pricing Plan - On Friday, May 11, 2018, President Trump announced a drug pricing blueprint to address prescription drug prices. Initial media coverage of the plan suggested that the blueprint failed to honor the President’s campaign commitment to negotiation of drug prices. Overall, the press and policymaker reaction to the plan was muted, with some suggesting that the plan would have limited impact. [...]

Cancer Policy News Roundup: Proposed Cuts to CHIP, Association Health Plans in Farm Bill, Prescribing Exercise for Cancer Patients, and More
A new weekly roundup of policy news affecting the cancer community. In order to bring you the latest cancer-related health care policy and news, we are combining our ACA Updates and What Caught Our Eye (WCOE) content into a weekly email and blog post. We aim to make this a concise, one-stop summary of what you need to know as we continue working together to make cancer care better for everyone. [...]

What Caught Our Eye: ACA Auto-Enrollment; Lack of Care Plan Implementation; Second Opinions; ‘Cancer’s New Superheroes’; More
What Caught Our Eye (WCOE) is our week-in-review blog series. “Making Heath Insurance Enrollment As Automatic As Possible” — Via Health Affairs Blog — In December 2017, the Republican Congress, working with the Trump administration, repealed the tax penalties enforcing the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) individual mandate, effective in 2019. Although the degree of the mandate’s efficacy is uncertain, its repeal is sure to lead to additional Americans [...]