Watch the Complete Video Recording of the Ellen Stovall Tribute Service
On February 24, 2016, a tribute to celebrate the life and legacy of Ellen Stovall was held at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C. Family, friends, and colleagues shared their touching memories about a woman who was dedicated to her family, a three-time cancer survivor, and a tireless advocate on behalf of all those touched by cancer. A video recording of the entire memorial service is embedded below. Please continue sharing your thoughts and remembrances about Ellen Stovall by signing her guestbook.

Memorial Program
Part One
Sandy Welton, Board Chair of NCCS, welcomes the crowd and reads a letter from Vice President Joe Biden
Barbara Hoffman, JD and Dr. Fitzhugh Mullan, founding members of NCCS
Dr. Richard Pazdur, FDA
Part Two
Dr. C. Norm Coleman, National Cancer Institute
U.S. Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA), Sponsor of The PACT Act
Elizabeth Goss, JD of Turner & Goss LLP
Part Three
“Ellen Stovall: One Person Can Make a Difference” Video Presentation
Sig Roos, cousin of Ellen
Julia Rowland PhD, Director, Office of Cancer Survivorship, NCI
Shelley Fuld Nasso, CEO of NCCS
Read more about the PACT Act and ask your representative to become a co-sponsor!