Open Letter to Congress: I Am Alive Because of the ACA (Guest Post)

ACA Update | July 7, 2017: Senate GOP Try to Tweak ACA Repeal Bill as Dissent Grows During Recess

Kirby Lewis: My NCCS CPAT Symposium and Hill Day Experience

ACA Update | June 29, 2017: Senate Health Care Vote Delayed

NCCS Statement on CBO Report of Senate’s “Better Care Reconciliation Act”

NCCS CPAT Member Jen Campisano’s Powerful Op-Ed Highlights Senate’s Secretive Health Care Repeal Process

ACA Update | June 23, 2017: The Senate GOP Health Care Repeal Bill Is Worse Than We Thought

ACA Update | June 16, 2017: As Negative Analyses Pile Up, Senate GOP Continues Secret Health Care Negotiations

What Caught Our Eye: AHCA Would Cause 50% Rise of Uninsured Children, Crowdfunding Health Care Tragedies, Rare Cancers, and More