Tag Archive for: quality
Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]
Medicare Care Choices Program and Cancer Care Planning for Medicare Beneficiaries
An op-ed authored by NCCS CEO Shelley Fuld Nasso and published in the Santa Barbara Independent today championed hospice care, the…
WCOE: Patient-Centered Care, “The Fault in Our Stars” and Genetic Data
Three articles caught our eye at NCCS this week. The one that raises the most questions for us in terms of policy development…
Meeting Consumer Expectations and Health Needs in the New Health Insurance Exchanges
Cancer Policy Matters Guest Post by Tanisha Carino, Executive Vice President, Avalere Health
The Affordable Care Act provides an unprecedented…
Dr. Patricia Ganz Talks About Common Cancer Survivorship Issues and Founding of NCCS
A recent episode of Take Care, a health care-focused radio show produced by NPR affiliate WRVO, featured an interview with Dr. Patricia…
WCOE: Reactions to ASCO’s Annual Meeting
I am happy to be back in the office, after spending five days in Chicago at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)…
Focus on the Care Video: Palliative Care and Living Well with Cancer
Last week we noted two recent articles addressing palliative and end of life care issues, including an article written from the first-hand…
WCOE: Amy Berman’s “Less Is More” Approach and End of Life Care
In the May 22nd Health Affairs online blog, "Living My Life My Own Way," Amy Berman writes about what she knows firsthand and…
When Talking About the End of Life, Honesty and Words Matter
I attended two different events in Washington, DC this week where the focus was on end-of-life care and the challenges of ensuring…
WCOE: Dying with Cancer from Patient and Provider Perspectives
In the Health Section of this week's Washington Post and in greater detail in the Narrative Matters portion of this month's Health…
It Takes a Team – Connecting with Survivors at the Amgen Tour of California
Last week, four members of the NCCS team traveled from our home office outside of DC to join our Breakaway from Cancer partners for…