Tag Archive for: financial toxicity
Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]
The Path to Purpose: Marlena Murphy Finds Meaning in the Challenges
Advocate Spotlight: Marlena Murphy
Marlena Murphy’s cancer journey began when she discovered a lump in her left breast during…
NCCS Advocate Spotlight: Rebecca Esparza
Advocate Spotlight January 2022 | Rebecca Esparza
In August of 2001, 30-year-old Rebecca Esparza noticed her clothes weren’t fitting…
NCCS Advocate Spotlight: Stef Gayhart
Advocate Spotlight November 2021 | Stef Gayhart
Stef Gayhart was building a life for herself and her son, when she was blindsided…
Why Cancer Patients and Caregivers Need Paid Leave
It is critical that cancer patients and their caregivers have access to paid time away from work when receiving treatment or caring…
NCCS Pushes for Inclusion of Critical Health Care Provisions in Reconciliation Package
NCCS joined with other advocacy groups in sending letters to congressional leadership supporting the inclusion of several critical…
NCCS Comments on CMS-Proposed Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2022
NCCS submitted comments to the Departments of the Treasury and Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid…
NCCS Joins Coalition Urging Congress to Improve Health Care Coverage Affordability and Access
NCCS joined the Partnership to Protect Coverage coalition in a letter urging Congress to pass legislation to address affordable health…
NCCS Joins Coalition of Organizations Urging Congress to Extend the Medical Expense Deduction Permanently
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) joined with AARP and 47 other organizations in letters to the House and Senate asking Members to co-sponsor the Medical Expense Savings Act, which is bipartisan legislation that would make permanent the 7.5 percent threshold for the medical expense deduction. This deduction provides an important tax relief for many patients which helps offset the high costs of cancer care. [...]
Health Care Roundup: Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness; More on “Junk Insurance;” Reviewing Effects of California’s Surprise Billing Law; More
Ads Offering Bare-Bones Coverage are Everywhere – This Axios article highlights the growing trend of plans being advertised across the internet as “Trumpcare” plans. The problem? “Trumpcare doesn’t exist, and many of these advertised plans offer bare-bones coverage.” "It's impossible to expect consumers to discern between the good guys and the con artists," said Sabrina Corlette, a health insurance researcher at Georgetown University. "And [...]
NCCS Survivorship Survey: Cancer Survivors Share Their Top Concerns
As part of its Elevating Survivorship initiative, NCCS fielded an online survey to understand cancer survivorship experiences and needs across a range of cancer patients. NCCS and our partner patient advocacy organizations promoted the survey to our constituents, and 1,380 cancer survivors responded. Some of the key findings include [...]