COVID-19 and Cancer Panel Discussion: Managing Stress, Anxiety, and Grief During Uncertain Times

NCCS has been collecting questions from patients and survivors on the coronavirus crisis and decided to address these questions through a series of webinars and podcasts.
NCCS hosted a conversation this week about managing anxiety, stress, and grief with psychologist Dr. Imani Price and a panel of cancer survivors and advocates. Dr. Price shared tips on how to cope with stress during this unique time and included strategies such as connecting with friends and family virtually, taking time to get outside each day, getting sufficient sleep, and eating well.
Randall Broad, Erin Cummings, Loretta Herring, and Sharon Rivera-Sanchez, all cancer survivors and patient advocates, shared their struggles and advice for coping with the isolation and fear that many cancer survivors are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In her opening comments, Dr. Price said:
Despite all of the challenges, I’m encouraging everyone to maintain and reclaim control over their lives, despite the hunker-in-place and all the other things that are now in place so that we can stay healthy and safe.
About L. Imani Price, PhD
Dr. L. Imani Price is a licensed psychologist at Women’s InnerFitness and Wellness Center and serves as the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors at Breast Care for Washington, D.C.
More About Cancer and COVID-19