Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]
NCCS Responds to Two Recent Articles Covering the Complexities of Transparency and Shared Decision-Making Issues
Two stories in last week’s New York Times illustrate the complexities of the changing healthcare marketplace. They both describe…
Guest Post by Peter Bach: Lung Cancer Awareness Month Brings a Long-Awaited Nod to Lung Cancer Screening
Guest post by Peter Bach, MD, MAPP, Director of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Center for Health Policy and Outcomes.
Speaking to the Needs of Patients Living with Advanced Cancers and Honoring Cancer Stories with Cancerversary
Recently, NCCS had the honor of celebrating the work and advocacy of two amazing individuals.
Susan Gubar, the author of The New…
WCOE: The Burden of Caregiving, Financial Incentives, Unnecessary Services for Medicare Beneficiaries, and Medicaid Reform
In “Seeing the ‘Invisible Patient,’”Jane Gross addresses the burden of caregiving and how often caregivers’ health,…
NCCS to Honor Two Inspiring Advocates at Focus on the Care Event in Washington, DC
While We Hope for a Cure, We Must Focus on the Care. Please join us on Wednesday, November 19, 2014, as we celebrate recent accomplishments…
Guest Post: Forgotten Survivors—Supporting the Needs of Patients with Advanced Cancers
Guest post by Lillie D. Shockney, RN, BS, MAS, Director of Johns Hopkins Breast Center and Cancer Survivorship Programs. On November…
The National Cancer Legal Services Network Discusses How to Address Legal Needs of Survivors
Attorneys from the National Cancer Legal Services Network (NCLSN) met in New York on November 6-7, 2014 to discuss how to address the…
WCOE: Medicare’s Draft Decision for Lung Cancer Screenings, Immunotherapy, Breast Cancer Screening
Several items in the news this past week are of interest to NCCS. The article by Sabrina Tavernise in The New York Times reporting…
WCOE: Brittany Maynard’s Death with Dignity, Election Results and the ACA, and Susan Gubar’s “Not Talking About Medical Mistakes”
Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old woman with brain cancer who became an advocate for the “death with dignity” movement took her…
WCOE: Brookings Event Examines Cost and Value, the ACA, and Accounting Practices in Medical Billing
In “Adult Conversation on High-Priced Drugs? Don’t Hold Your Breath (But Hang in There)…," Rob Cunningham provided a summary…