Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]

NCCS Comments on the FDA’s PDUFA Proposed Commitment Letter
NCCS submitted comments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the letter representing the agreement between FDA and regulated industry on goals for the re-authorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA VI). NCCS participated in the PDUFA stakeholder meetings held over the last year, and we support the role [...]

Highlights from the 2016 CPAT Symposium and Hill Day
In June, over 50 patient advocates gathered in Washington, D.C. to take part in the NCCS 2016 Cancer Policy & Advocacy Team (CPAT)…

Guest Post: For the Love of a Friend
My dear friend Avery[1], a woman I’ve known since we were 10 years old (in 5th grade together) was diagnosed with inflammatory…