Tag Archive for: Susan Gubar
Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]
WCOE: Bi-Partisan Bill Overhauls How Doctors Get Paid, Psychological Effects of Chemo, and the Art of Concealing Cancer
Guest Video: Dr. Susan Gubar Discusses the Financial Burdens of Cancer Care
This video post is part of the 2015 Cancer Policy Matters “The Imperatives for Quality Cancer Care: 20 Years Later” blog series.…
WCOE: NPR Series Leading to “Emperor of All Maladies,” Clinical Trials, and the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network
Revisiting the Second Principle of the Imperatives for Quality Cancer Care—Treating the Whole Person
This month, as part of the 20 Years Later series, we are revisiting the second principle of the Imperatives for Quality Cancer Care:…
Speaking to the Needs of Patients Living with Advanced Cancers and Honoring Cancer Stories with Cancerversary
Recently, NCCS had the honor of celebrating the work and advocacy of two amazing individuals.
Susan Gubar, the author of The New…
WCOE: Brittany Maynard’s Death with Dignity, Election Results and the ACA, and Susan Gubar’s “Not Talking About Medical Mistakes”
Brittany Maynard, a 29-year-old woman with brain cancer who became an advocate for the “death with dignity” movement took her…
WCOE: Making Hard Choices and the Impact of Price Transparency
In “Living with Cancer: Difficult Choices,” another installment in her series in The New York Times, Susan Gubar writes about…
WCOE: Patient-Centered Care, “The Fault in Our Stars” and Genetic Data
Three articles caught our eye at NCCS this week. The one that raises the most questions for us in terms of policy development…
NCCS Senior Health Policy Advisor Ellen Stovall Responds to Susan Gubar’s “The Cost of Trials”
Susan Gubar's voice as a woman living with ovarian cancer (The New York Times Well Blog, March 20, 2014) clearly describes the dilemma…