Tag Archive for: affordable care act
Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]
NCCS Statement on President Trump’s Harmful Health Care Executive Order
President Trump signed an executive order on health care today that directs federal agencies to write rules allowing association health plans and short-term health plans to be created, with neither being subject to the essential health benefit requirements of plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Many independent health analysts [...]
ACA Update | October 6, 2017 – The Trump Admin’s ACA Sabotage, a Grass Roots Effort to Counter It, and a Possible New Repeal Threat
Although the cancer community was pleased that the harmful Graham-Cassidy bill failed, the Affordable Care Act is still at great risk. Currently, the Administration is actively undermining the ACA by drastically cutting the budget for enrollment, cutting the time period for open enrollment in half, and cutting outreach and navigator budgets. A group of ACA proponents recently banded together to work to help Americans enroll for the health care [...]
WCOE: Countering HHS’s ACA Enrollment Suppression, FDA’s Gottlieb on Expanded Access/Right to Try, “Cancer Stories No One Wants to Hear”
What Caught Our Eye (WCOE) is our week-in-review blog series, where we recap the cancer policy articles, studies, and stories that caught our attention. — “As ACA enrollment nears, administration keeps cutting federal support of the law” – By Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post — With the fifth enrollment season set to begin Nov. 1, advocates say the Health and Human Services Department has done more to suppress the number of people [...]
What Caught Our Eye: Graham-Cassidy Fails; Cancer Survivorship Care Lacking in Primary Care; A Survivor’s Cancer Care Wishlist
What Caught Our Eye is our week-in-review blog series, where we recap the cancer policy articles, studies, and stories that caught our attention. “The Health 202: Five lessons from the GOP’s failed effort to repeal Obamacare” - Some Republicans will forever carry a torch for repeal of the Affordable Care Act. But it’s hard to see how the door really opens again in the near future — at least as widely as it has been since the start [...]
ACA Update | September 29, 2017 – Repeal Pulled for Now, Trump Admin’s Active Efforts to Undermine ACA Marketplace Ramp Up
As you probably heard, earlier this week Republican leadership acknowledged they did not have the votes to proceed with the Graham-Cassidy bill, after nationwide opposition put immense pressure on key Senators. Thank you to all of you who called, wrote and visited your Members of Congress to explain to them how harmful this bill would be for cancer patients. And thank you for using your voice on social media to share information [...]
NCCS Sends Letter to Sen. Finance Committee Opposing Graham-Cassidy ACA Repeal
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) sent a letter to the Senate Finance Committee in response to a request for public…
ACA Update | September 22, 2017 – Graham-Cassidy Bill: Patient Groups Opposed, McCain Says No, but Threat Continues
Senators Graham and Cassidy are working hard to get their bill, known as the “Graham-Cassidy bill,” passed before the September 30th deadline. The Graham-Cassidy bill would eliminate the ACA’s subsidies and the Medicaid expansion and instead gives block grants to states to create their own individual health systems. Nearly every patient group, the American Medical Association, AARP, all 50 state Medicaid directors (NAMD), and insurers agree [...]
“Where you live shouldn’t determine whether you live” – A Letter to Sen. Murkowski from the CEO of Triage Cancer
Dear Senator Lisa Murkowski, I am a cancer rights attorney who has spent the better part of two decades educating and helping people diagnosed with cancer navigate the health care system. While there are valid complaints about the increasing cost of the individual plans being sold in some state marketplaces, the ACA was game changing for the cancer community. It prohibited insurance companies from denying coverage or imposing exclusion [...]
NCCS Joins Cancer Groups to Oppose Graham-Cassidy ACA Repeal in a Letter to Senate Leadership
NCCS joins patient and provider organizations in the Cancer Leadership Council (CLC) in opposing the Graham-Cassidy-Heller Johnson legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The CLC sent a letter to Senators expressing serious concern that the legislation would adversely affect the ability of cancer patients to obtain affordable and adequate insurance coverage and appropriate cancer treatment. Every segment of the cancer patient [...]
ACA Update | September 20, 2017: NCCS Facebook Live – Harmful Graham-Cassidy Repeal Bill Breakdown & How You Can Help Stop It
Earlier today, NCCS hosted a brief Facebook Live event to break down the most recent developments about the harmful Graham-Cassidy ACA repeal bill and what you can do to help stop it from becoming law.
In the video, NCCS CEO Shelley Fuld Nasso and Policy Manager Lindsay Houff go over the details of this disastrous legislation that would cause millions of Americans to lose insurance coverage and access to affordable [...]