NCCS Mourns the Passing of President Jimmy Carter and Celebrates His Example of Cancer Survivorship
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) mourns the death of President Jimmy Carter at age 100. He lived life well, joyously, and in service to others. President Carter showed cancer survivors the way forward in many ways. First, he was honest and open about his diagnosis and treatment. Then, he embraced treatment for metastatic cancer, showed the power of immunotherapy, and exemplified living well with advanced disease. Finally, President Carter embraced hospice care and what it offered him and his family for quality of life in his final days (a wonderful two years!).
The NCCS community reflects a rich diversity of cancer experiences, beliefs, and backgrounds, yet we find unity in celebrating the example set by President Carter. His courage in living fully with advanced disease, and his dedication to improving quality of life, reminds us of the power of survivorship and the need to advocate for equitable, compassionate cancer care. We are proud to be cancer survivors, and we salute President Carter and his family for their leadership.
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship stands ready to help cancer survivors in their journey. We can think of no better example for cancer survivors than President Carter. Inspired by his example, we will continue working to empower survivors and advocate for policies that ensure quality care for all.