Tag Archive for: cancer care
Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]
When Treating Cancer Is Not an Option
When my husband learned he had advanced lung cancer, he didn’t even want to speak to an oncologist about chemotherapy. He saw no…
NCCS receives Cardinal Health Foundation grant to improve patient safety
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship was selected by the Cardinal Health Foundation as one of 42 grant recipients to fund…
NCCS sponsors IOM study to demographic issues in quality of cancer care
NCCS, along with 11 other organizations sponsored an Institute of Medicine (IOM) consensus study: Improving the Quality of Cancer…
NCCS participates in roundtable meeting to discuss future of Health IT
NCCS was recently invited to participate in a roundtable discussion on the potential role of Health Information Technology in cancer…
ASCO Announces CancerLinQ, an Initiative to Transform Cancer Care
ASCO is embarking on CancerLinQ, a multi-phase initiative that promises to change the way cancer is understood and treated. This…
There’s a medical app for that—or not
Mobile software is part of the most important movement in health care. Will government regulators suffocate it?
Even the most ideologically…
Focus on quality of life may cut health-care costs
A new focus on patient well being and quality-of-life issues could improve health-care outcomes and reduce costs, as WSJ explains in…
The challenges facing young people with cancer
Being diagnosed with cancer at any age is a terrifying thing, but for young people, a cancer diagnosis can mean falling into a unique…
Beating the odds
I have to admit it. Even today, I find interpreting statistics for patients very difficult; not because I don't understand the concept…
Sebelius says leukemia-drug shortage will be resolved within two weeks
Federal health officials said there will be enough supply of a children’s leukemia drug released in the next couple of weeks to alleviate…