States Need “Navigators” for Insurance Exchanges — Difficult Task Ahead
The Washington Post reports on the daunting task of enrolling 30 million Americans through the health insurance exchanges that will be in place in 2014. During the enrollment period from October 1, 2013, through March 2014, states will have to enroll thousands of people each day. States are hiring navigators and assisters to help with the enrollment responsibilities, although financing the navigators has proven problematic for some states.
Cancer survivors who choose to purchase insurance coverage through the insurance exchanges may have to sort through the insurance options and decisions discussed in the article.
Signing up an estimated 30 million uninsured Americans for coverage under the health-care law is shaping up to be, if not a bureaucratic nightmare, at the very least a daunting task.
While some people will find registering for health insurance as easy as booking a flight online, vast numbers who are confused by the myriad choices will need to sit down with someone who can walk them through the process.