Tag Archive for: short-term health plans
Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]
ACA Update March 9, 2018 | HHS Says ‘Not Quite’ to Idaho’s Illegal Health Plans, Supports Expansion of Skinny Short-Term Coverage
As we reported recently, Idaho regulators announced they would allow the sale of insurance plans that don’t adhere to the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) requirements and patient protections. Blue Cross of Idaho was planning to sell insurance plans that are priced based on applicants’ health status. But in a decision announced in a letter to Idaho’s governor yesterday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) said that the administration [...]
NCCS Position Statement on Actions to Undermine ACA
October 13, 2017
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) is alarmed by the actions President Trump took this week…
NCCS Statement on President Trump’s Harmful Health Care Executive Order
President Trump signed an executive order on health care today that directs federal agencies to write rules allowing association health plans and short-term health plans to be created, with neither being subject to the essential health benefit requirements of plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Many independent health analysts [...]