Tag Archive for: cancer care
Coronavirus and Cancer Resources for Survivors
Cancer survivors have expressed concerns and questions about COVID-19, the coronavirus, and how they may be at higher risk due to their cancer history. Here are some resources about COVID-19 generally, and its impact for cancer survivors specifically. NCCS is seeking answers from public health experts on the coronavirus and its impact on cancer patients and survivors. Please leave a comment [...]
Shelley Fuld Nasso Joins NCCS as Director of Public Policy
Shelley Fuld Nasso has joined the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) as Senior Director of Policy, with responsibility…
Cancer Leadership Council Statement: Reform Medicare Payment for Patient-Focused Care
NCCS joined its colleagues in the Cancer Leadership Council in publishing a statement of principles to guide reform of Medicare payment…
NCCS Senior Policy Advisor Responds to Opinionator “A Plan to Fix Cancer Care”
NCCS Senior Policy Advisor Ellen Stovall’s advice for immediate reform of cancer care was published in a letter to the editor of…
NY Times Opinionator: A Plan To Fix Cancer Care
In a recent New York Times Opinionator essay, Ezekiel J. Emanuel is joined by more than 20 prominent members of the oncology community…
Free-floating DNA from Tumor Could Provide Early Warning
In an article in the USA Today of March 13, 2013, reporter Liz Szabo directs attention to a study published in the New England Journal…
Widespread Flaws Found in Ovarian Cancer Treatment
Denise Grady reports in the New York Times regarding a study of the gaps in ovarian cancer care that was presented at the recent annual…
NCCS Resources Included in eHealth Initiative’s Health IT Cancer Resource Guide
The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship is pleased to announce that the eHealth Initiative has included three of NCCS's patient…
Protons for Prostate Cancer: the Dream Versus the Reality
In an editorial published in the January 2, 2013, issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Theodore Lawrence and Mary…
Shared Decision Making to Improve Care and Reduce Costs
In a New England Journal of Medicine January 3, 2013 article, Emily Oshima Lee and Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel discuss the potential for…
Cancer Patients Should Be Wary of Needless Tests and Treatments
When the diagnosis is cancer, many people understandably want to pull out all the stops to treat it. But some tests, treatments and…