Annual Report 2022

2022 was a groundbreaking year in many ways, most notably, the return to in-person events. We convened stakeholders from across the cancer community at our fall and spring Cancer Policy Roundtable events, returned to in-person training for Elevate Ambassadors, and brought together survivors and caregivers to advocate for critical cancer survivorship policies. Additionally, we worked to address the inequities highlighted in our 2022 State of Cancer Survivorship Survey, which showed that younger, Hispanic/Latino, female, and low-income patients face disparities that cause them to experience poorer care and a lower quality of life than other cancer survivors. NCCS continues to be a trusted voice for advocacy and policy, ensuring access to quality cancer care for all who are touched by cancer.

Your support never wavered. It has allowed us to:

  • Provide invaluable resources to cancer survivors, connecting them with top experts and other survivors who could answer their questions.
  • Expand our resources to help cancer patients and providers navigate a new environment in cancer care.
  • Advocate for policies to protect cancer survivors and enhance their quality of life.

Read the report below, or download the PDF here.